We said last year that Rock Star Saugatuck Teacher Camp was all about launching the awesomeness within all of our attendees. On Day 1 last summer many were quietly questioning themselves as to whether they had bitten off more than they could chew. By the end of Day 3 we all were listening to and witnessing amazing transformations in so many of them. It wasn't that they had attended some magical session. They realized that they do indeed have a lot of insight into powerful teaching and a lot to share. Now six months later, 1/6 of Saugatuck campers are presenting at this year's big
MACUL conference in Detroit from March 18-20.
Check out the great list of sessions below from last year's attendees and faculty. Then visit
cuerockstar.org to register for this summer's July 7-9 camp presented by MACUL and Saugatuck Public Schools.
Explore the Power of iPhoto - Dave Tchozewski (hands-on session, additional charge)
Blogging, It's Elementary - Heidi Gascon
Make a Presentation that will Wow your Students - Nicole Bauman, AnnMarie Willette
Creating Digital Books with iTunes Author - Dave Tchozewski (hands-on session, additional charge)
If you're Appy and you Know it, Come Smash with Us - Kristen Gavlas, Johnna Kline
Collaborate and Connect with Google Apps and Drive - Heidi Gascon
Inquiring Minds want to Know - Erin Mastin
These ARE the Droids you are Looking For - Andy Losik
Bring a new Dimension to Learning with Augmented Reality - Drew Minock
Going Paperless with Google - Kevin Kacel, Sam Sicilia
Create and Innovate with iTunes U - Rebecca Wildman (hands-on session, additional charge)
Beyond Paper and Pencil: Supporting Writing with Technology - Heidi Gascon, Stacey Schuh
No Tech to Lots of Tech - Keith Tramper
Student Data and Information Privacy in the App Era: A Panel Conversation - featuring Ben Rimes
If you can't Build it in Keynote, you don't Need It - Andy Losik (hands-on session, additional charge)
Needle in a Haystack: Internet Search Tips and Tricks - Colleen Robison
It Takes just a S.E.C. - Leveraging Schoology, Edmodo, or Classroom to Engage Learning - Nicole Bauman, AnnMarie Willette
Inspire Innovation by Fostering Collaboration and Creativity - Drew Minock
Teach Like a Transformer - Keith Tramper
Engage English Language Learners through Technology - Cheryl Prindle (hands-on session, additional charge)
Revitalizing Research in the Digital Age - Katie Aquino
The iPad's Killer App - Ben Rimes
Why Connect as an Educator? - Erin Mastin
Engage your Students with Free Web Tools - Dave Tchozewski
I've got a Brain to Pick with You - Jennifer Gwilt
The Battle for your Class: Google Classroom vs. Edmodo - Josh Hubbard
Closing Keynote: Culture, Innovation, and Learning: A 21st Century Paradigm Shift - Drew Minock
Wow! After the opening keynote you can do the whole conference front to back and you've got Rock Stars leading every time slot.
See you in Detroit. See you in Saugatuck this summer.