Mako by Emma from Andy Losik on Vimeo.
So it has been three weeks since my attempt to get second graders making movies crashed and burned right before my principal's eyes for my formal observation.
I can't tell you how much support my sharing that experience generated from readers of my blog and friends on social media. I stated then that it was actually an experience I needed because I was bound to grow from it and see this project through to completion.
Now three weeks later I am proud to share that over half of the second graders have successfully completed their projects. Check out Emma's above.
Along the way the kids began to express their frustration over the amount of background noise that kept interfering with their voiceover work. Others simply struggled with using that specific feature in iMovie. To assist in this step, I slowed down the process and worked one-on-one with them on this part. One kid would record at a time with me away from where the rest were working quietly. To provide help to those still just trying to reach this step, I set up a Genius Bar just like at the Apple store. Kids who had mastered the process set up shop to help other students. Those completely done or waiting to record voice could select from a handful of problem solving games like Tinkerball and Tumble Town.
Projects are getting done with quality. Kids are getting one-on-one time with me. Kids are helping kids while others build additional skills...and I got better as a teacher. It just took a few lumps getting to this point. As far as the observation goes, my principal came back yesterday and liked the progress. He even spent a little time working at the Genius Bar helping kids with their videos.