I chose to take my five minutes and salute fifteen amazing Michigan educators whose contribution to my personal learning network have allowed me to learn all that I have and keep me going in my daily teaching life. It was a live version of the Twitter #FollowFriday hashtag.
Here they are. I could easily produce a list of fifteen more over and over again. I learn from hundreds of great people constantly.
Ben Rimes: @techsavvyed
Kristi Zoerhof: @kristizoerhof
Brad Wilson: @dreambition
Rebecca Wildman: @rebeccawildman
Brad Waid: @techbradwaid
Drew Minock: @techminock
John Sowash: @jrsowash
Karen Bosch: @karlyb
Mark Behnke: @mbanksvid
Amber Kowatch: @amberkowatch
Tony Dilaura: @anthonydilaura
David Prindlw: @dprindle
Kelly Kermode: @coachk
Dave Tebo: @tebotweets
Dan Spencer: @runfardvs
There are so many more and I will salute them periodically throughout the months to come. Thanks to all of these great people.
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