I was "that guy" that some of you make fun of who takes vacation photos with his iPad or other tablet. What you see below are some pretty good twilight shots made with the Sony Xperia Z Android tablet. As much as I love my 3rd generation iPad, the Z made me a believer in the "other side" and I don't think I would produce nearly the same results with my Apple device. Before you go hatin' on "that guy" again, realize they might be on to something. Besides, there are a bundle of post-production apps that can then either enhance of take the photos to a new level of creativity.
Although my tablet has some varied photo settings, the key to these shots was stability. For each one I found a solid surface to lean the device against. For the "Esquire" shot I employed the self timer so there wouldn't be any wiggle in my image. Camera shake more than anything will derail your low light shooting. The Xperia Z received a major upgrade in optics over its predecessor the Xperia S and features other fabulous Sony quality components.
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