Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Happy Easter Egg! Hidden T-Rex Adventure in Chrome

Here is another great reason to have children. They teach you cool stuff they learn from their friends at school. We're not talking a new way to spit or armpit farts here. We're talking an Easter egg hidden in Google Chrome. My daughter came home from sixth grade with this little nugget today.

If you have ever lost wifi while browsing in Chrome you have likely encountered this critter and message.

Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 9.19.08 PM

Next time, tap your space bar and you will find yourself in a ridiculously simple and ridiculously addictive video game. It's a great way to pass the time until wifi comes back.

Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 9.14.49 PMOf course you don't have to wait for the Internet to go down. Just turn off your wifi and hit reload on this page. You will connect to nothing and soon be jumping cactus and neglecting whatever it was you were supposed to be doing in the first place.

I am going on record right now that I won't be held responsible for the amount of time you waste on this little trick. But like John Lennon said, "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."


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